To be honest, I could just link to the March or April reviews, since essentially, the news is still very much the same...
I mentioned the other day that we're still stymied on the returning-to-Sarawak front. So we're still in Cromer.
It certainly bears repeating, however, that the most important thing at the moment is that we're still alive...
The death toll from the virus in the UK stood at 38,376 yesterday (there are various ways to measure this number, and that's the most conservative). Experts warn that the current relaxation of restrictions is a very risky business, given the still substantial number of infections. An NHS consultant worries about the "huge challenges" of the almost inevitable second wave.
So still being alive is not something to be sneezed at.
And compared with the horrendous plight of migrants in India or Southeast Asia, for example, our current state of exile gives us absolutely nothing to complain about.
Norfolk, meanwhile, is PURPLE!
We've been here long enough to see grain ripen, lambs fatten, and fields dry out:
And May has brought the poppies back:
We've not been here long enough to photograph a fox, even though we've definitely seen two, and possibly two more.
And did I mention there was lots of PURPLE around at the moment?
May has certainly been busy.
We now have an entire month of 1 Second Everyday, and I'm still learning a lot from doing this.
I'm very much enjoying an experimental and experiential "shadowing" project, that loosely follows our 10-week journey from London to Baku last year.
Russian has temporarily displaced other language-learning activities, as Mango Languages are offering free tuition until the end of June. (Doing more Russian was going to be part of my shadowing activities, so it's just been brought forward a little.)
And a couple of Norfolk-related Velvet Cushion posts have seen the light of day.
So things could be much, much worse.
Meanwhile, don't forget the PURPLE: