So things have changed again...
We learnt on Thursday that if you do your two weeks' quarantine in peninsular Malaysia (as per our latest plan), you can't enter Sarawak until 30 days have elapsed... That would mean two weeks' quarantine, plus another couple of weeks or so kicking our heels.
So we've decided to attempt to get straight to Sarawak.
We'll have to make a specific application to do that.
Then, if our experience matches that of someone we know via the FB support page, we'll be met at the airport at Kuching, tested for covid (that's in addition to the pre-flight test, and the test they possibly administer at KL airport), and bused to a hotel.
After which we'd be tested again, and if we're still OK when the results come back a couple of days later, we would be free to complete our quarantine at home...
Which -- if it all went well -- would get us back in our flat a bit earlier. So maybe it's all a good thing. But the constant flux is very wearing.
There remain a number of points of uncertainty:
1. Will we get our UK covid test back in time to board the plane?
2. Will we at some point fall foul of one of the obstructive airline staff we keep reading about, whose self-appointed task seems to be to misinterpret and/or lag behind government regulations?
3. Can we survive three flights and four airports without getting infected? (Apparently we get issued with masks, visors, and gloves for the flights... Wow, this is certainly a different travelling world...)
4. Will the regulations change again? Quarantine procedures round the world seem to be falling down drastically, so some kind of tightening up is not out of the question.
Sometimes, at the moment, the world feels impenetrable:
On the bright side, there is still the seaside, looking moody in the current windy, unsettled weather:
There are still poppies:
There is still that great British sense of humour:
And the change of the seasons reminds us daily that good times WILL roll round again...
The Alexanders look a bit forlorn now, but when we first met them, they were prolific and exuberant. And they will be again