So much bad news always at the moment...
The figures for today aren't out yet, but yesterday Malaysia registered 660 new covid cases and four deaths (precisely the same numbers as the previous day). That brought the cumulative case load to 5,772, and the death toll to 167. By Malaysian standards that's really, really bad...
Here in Sarawak, we've so far avoided the peaks that have been experienced next door in Sabah and in several states across the peninsula (those badly affected are now in a modified form of lockdown again).
So we're still going about our business, trying to strike a judicious balance between being a bit more cautious and still living our lives.
Because if there's one thing we've learned about Spikes, it's that you ALWAYS have to be ready for the other shoe to drop... Any day, life could change again.
Which is depressing, a la longue.
In the meantime, there are colours. I must admit, my capacity for relishing the moment is fading, as this global torment goes on and on.
But we have to. We have to.