For several days now, Sarawak has had the worst covid figures in the country... Way up over the 3,000-per-day mark...
There is national concern about this. We're a state with a high vaccination rate. Yet we're getting marmalized.
Nationally, figures remain quite high. They've stopped shooting up, but the number of deaths is still very concerning (as of yesterday 19,486 -- compare that with the comparable figure just last week, which was 17,191...).
Trends until yesterday. The bottom line (Malaysia) is starting to look a bit better. The top line (Kuching) isn't... We're not sure what that little hook denotes. We've had these blips before, so we're not getting our hopes up yet
Meanwhile, the Malaysian government has introduced an impressive new site, Covid Now, which does a much better job of communicating the details behind the numbers. One of the things I learned from it is that the vast majority of positive cases are doing home quarantine. So maybe I don't have to be quite so scared of being hauled off to some ghastly Camp Granada...
Other news? Well, there's not a lot. We continue to make preparations for our UK visit. We continue to do the stuff we do.
The walking route of the week takes in the area we call the "peninsular", which sits at the bend in the river to the west:
But bog-standard river walks continue:
Noodle of the week is kueh chap, which I've talked about only once before. This is quite a Sarawakian favourite, but we don't indulge that often, as we limit ourselves to the versions that include less offal.
The one that you can get delivered from the Woon Lam Cafe can be custom built. The base is the square flat noodles and beautifully aromatic broth without which there is no kueh chap. But then you can pick and choose the elements you want. In our case, that was three-layer pork, pig skin, tofu, and egg.