Another day, another bit of old railway...
Our Spooyt Vane, Slieu Curn, and Peel peregrinations have all taken us along stretches of the former Manx Northern Railway. Today we filled in a bit more.
First, park at Poortown, and head UP, round the back of the quarry to the Staarvey road. UP is always worth it round here, as the views were fantastic right off the bat:
Turning off the Staarvey road, we retraced a bit of our Spooyt Vane route until we hit the railway again, and this time turned left. (The curious sheep had gone... Oh no...)
Today was a pesky day, weather-wise. I don't think the wind-speed forecasts we'd read were correct, and I felt distinctly under-dressed, especially when we hit the railway line, which the wind was raking relentlessly.
Strong colour, though, and more great outlooks...:
And we did eventually manage to find a sheltered spot for our Manx Cheddar sandwich:
After which, it was just a short stretch back to the erstwhile Poortown station where we'd found ourselves yesterday.
Still on our list: Glen Mooar to Kirk Michael, and Ballaugh to Sulby.