When we photographed the old Or Ahayim Jewish Hospital the other day, for the sake of its history, we didn't realize we would soon be using it as a hospital...
Attentive readers of Purple Tern will have noticed a few indications that Nigel was no longer proceeding in the same sunny direction as previously. A swollen eyelid could be explained away by dust, or by the still-present headache. But one pupil bigger than the other?? Surely cause for concern... Any change in your vision is a cause for concern. This has been borne in on me by countless medical practitioners I have known, and was reiterated by all the internet advice we could summon.
So, following their advice, we headed for Or Ahayim's Emergency Room.
I won't go into the whole medical saga. Suffice it to say that a fairly exhaustive set of tests was conducted, including an MRI; there is nothing amiss that needs to be fixed immediately; but there is something that we need to keep an eye on.
An unexpected, and not entirely welcome, opportunity to photograph the back of the hospital building...
The medical shemozzle took up quite a bit of yesterday and today.
Otherwise, there have been culinary expeditions.
And little walks that always reveal new perspectives:
We leave tomorrow, and I'll miss this place so much... The sound of the seagulls. The sight of a row of cats waiting patiently outside a butcher's shop. The smell of bread (so much BREAD...). The taste of the produce we buy from the little neighbourhood shops. The fact that we can walk down a street dozens of times, yet still see new things in it. The cake shop windows... The borek shop windows... The cheese shop windows... I hope we'll be back.