Our days are very full at the moment, as we catch up on a million and one jobs.
Acquiring new glasses; stocking the store cupboards (never a seamless process in Kuching); reorganizing the flat a bit; buying new motorbike (aka balcony chair) covers:
Shurely shome mishtake... Looks like it was designed to fit a camel...
Ah, that's better...
These tasks are all necessary, and many are long overdue, but they don't make for very interesting posting...
Still, there have been some nice little moments:
Dinner with friends at 101. Clams, squid, three-layer pork, crispy chicken, satay... We all rolled away very happy
This poor old
house is now even more engulfed...
We enjoyed trying out Go Fun Kee's bak kut teh (pork bone soup)
Foochow-style bak kut teh. Excellent taste, though tricky to access
Another building that continues to rise, albeit slowly, is this ghastly klotz at the end of Jalan Padungan. If ever a building was out of place, it's this one...
Another great discovery: a Western-style coffee shop that opens at 7.30 in the morning...
And there are always colours...