
Nigel is still recovering after his operation last week. He's getting out and about, but the doctor says it will take about three months for everything to heal up completely. So our days are not action-packed at the moment.

Here's a quick rundown of the week:

Monday is often Indah day, and it was this week, too.

Tuesday was the day we'd designated for jobs (going to the bank to get yet another fraudulently used card sorted out -- the third in less than a year -- and going back to Nigel's doc for a checkup). It also turned out to be Downpour Day. This is the view from Earthlings, our between-jobs coffeehouse treat. We sat outside because it was warmer...


The following day we went to the hospital to get our deposit back. We'd paid MYR 500 (just under GBP 100). Of that, MYR 300 was the insurance excess. And the policy also didn't cover his "identifying wrist band" (MYR 1.10) or the vitamin pill he was given (MYR 1.20). I truly cannot fathom the way the insurance mindset works...

We decided to walk over, as it was a cool morning, and we combined the refund-collection with breakfast at the nearby Curry House, whose popularity I'd noted on one of my many staring-out-of-the-hospital-window sessions.

The Curry House roti stove, all primed for action. They do a mean dosa here too

A very rural-looking river that you cross on the way to the hospital

On Thursday we made a return visit to La Promenade. This makes a nice little outing. You can have breakfast at Zoro, do a commando raid on Mr DIY for all the household kit you find yourself lacking, get a nice cup of Liberica from the Black Bean, and hoover up all the decent cheese in the supermarket.

Zoro's chicken burrito bowl. An excellent fusion dish

Friday was Malaysia Day. To mark the occasion, Between the Lines did this great article on Malaysian music, and some of the Borneo polemic surrounding the occasion can be read here.

We celebrated by doing our "peninsular" walk (see the picture at the top); enjoying a really excellent kolo mee at Nam Sen, a little kopitiam by the Brooke Dockyard that we've not been to for ages; and polishing off a bottle of tuak in the evening.

Anything else? Well, a nice breakfast in the garden of Borneo Coffee yesterday. And a lovely lap round the Bukit Hantu circuit today, which we fortuitously timed to get the best of the birdsong.

So... Things are all very quiet. But definitely not unpleasant.