On Friday the city was full of lions -- full of lions -- FULL of lions, I tell you -- all ready to greet the Seng Ong Deity on the occasion of his birthday.
Today was the Big Parade. And when I say Big, I mean Humongous. The biggest ever, with 212 participant contingents.
We positioned ourselves in Healers' Cafe, not far from the start, and downed a hojicha while we kept an eye on proceedings. Sure enough, as 1600 approached, the first groups were making their way up the road, so we took possession of a bit of kerb, and prepared to enjoy the show.
And there we remained for 3.5 hours... Congingent after contingent. The spiritual and the wacky and the cute and the beautiful all bound up together in one magical parade.
Finally, by which time your feet really are protesting, the Deity himself passes by. You never get good pictures of that bit. It's pretty much dark by then, and the crowd round the Deity's swinging seat has thickened, and the "swinging" bit is no metaphor -- deities obviously like lots of movement as they progress.
But the rest of it we photographed enthusiastically. As follows:
And here's the fire dragon! All 188 feet of him. When I read about the fire dragon, I thought they were going to set him alight, and wondered if this might be a bit risky... But the fire came from the incense sticks that people stick into his grassy body
Most of the contingents were Chinese, of course, but it's always heart-warmingly Sarawakian to see other people groups and religions taking part
Hats off to this guy... He did have a back-up truck, apparently, but he walked a fair stretch on his little panda legs
This was one of the mysteries for us. All the dragons and lions halted here to salute something or someone of great importance
Exhausted by now, we headed over to the Padungan area, catching further glimpses of the procession as it wended its way through the city.
Huge crowds everywhere. Fireworks booming.
We grabbed roti at New Atmosferah, where a few parade-participants were obviously having a bit of a break too.
An amazing day.