More celebrations this week. And in time-honoured tradition, there were several stages to the festivities:
Breakfast with a friend at Blendsmiths was another element, but as I've photographed their very fine eggs Benedict before, I'll substitute the wonderful mural that can be found just round the corner
There was also a Guinness somewhere along the line...
And one or two extra (suitably purple) treats crept in over the course of the week:
Since our first-class porridge experience last week, Top 1 is now a firm favourite. The fast food starts early, and two plates, with lots of tasty vegetables, cost just MYR 10. Plus there's an ambulant kuih man, selling (amongst other things) yummy onde onde, with squidgy, coconutty centres
Our little bit of cultural education this week came from Lim Tze Tshen again, who proved to be as expert on elephants as he was on orangutans last week. It was a bit like a detective story. The puzzle is that Borneo's elephants are concentrated in one small area of this vast island. Why is that? And how long have they been there? It's not the kind of story where all the ends are neatly tied up, though. Instead, there's the rediscovery of a key bit of evidence -- and the loss of another bit... (Lim wrote an article last year summarizing some of these developments, which can be found here.)
And, finally, the rest of the week's gallery:
The very cute bell tower at the current St Peter's (as opposed to the new one, which is growing apace)
Gazillions of tiny fish, spotted on the way to breakfast this morning. (The guilty way the egret flew off made us think there'd been a few gazillions more just a little earlier...)
Sometimes you hardly know you're in a city. I so hope all this green space doesn't get developed out of existence...
And finally, the Mazu Cultural Festival will be happening over the next few days. We swung by briefly this morning:
She's one of our favourite deities, but we're not going to see much of the celebrations, as -- drumroll -- tomorrow we're heading off on a road trip!
In 24 hours, we should, all being well, be in Sibu... Fingers crossed...