
So far, this week has been dominated by health insurance. This is the snag I mentioned in my last post. It has not resolved itself, and it's all becoming very tedious. More on that soon.

In the meantime, we enjoy the birds of the neighbourhood. There's a lovely little cloud of finches that brightens our walk to breakfast. They've so far eluded being photographed.

Nigel did, however, manage to snap one of the shy and always scurrying white-breasted water hens that we frequently see.


When the weather is clear, we get great views, as you can see from the picture at the top.

And bits of the flat continue to come together.

The scroll that was gifted to me last year now has a home:


And so does my wayang kulit Srikandi:


It's been particularly nice to buy local textiles, to make two more sets of flexible covers. (They'll take turns protecting the sofa and acting as our patent, individually controllable sheets.)



We'll draw a discreet veil over the towels that apparently shed more than their own volume every time you use them, and cause fluffies to appear in the most unexpected places.

Otherwise, we're pretty pleased with our purchases. Next week we'll have to tackle the kitchen.

