As I was explaining in my last post, things are not going so smoothly at the moment.
However, there have been some chinks in the dark curtain.
Yesterday and today, the bad air index was in the mid-100s ("unhealthy") as opposed to the mid-200s ("very unhealthy"), so we were able to get out and about a bit. This is likely to be a temporary respite, but it's been very welcome.
This morning we happened upon this adorable scoop of kittens:
Mum was obviously exhausted trying to keep track of these six squirming bundles of fur:
But there's no rest for mothers. Here they come again:
Our walks have also revealed a shocking bit of cannibalization. You remember the mysterious digger? The one that had kind of blended in with nature? Well, yesterday we spotted another digger making off with his scoop. So now he's decapitated. Seriously, it's blood-curdling stuff.
The works at the end of Lebuh Java have still not been completed, but at least enough obstacles have been removed to finally get some pictures of this attractive streetscape:
Meanwhile, exercise endeavours continue:
As does the acquisition of kitchen stuff. Now we're cooking more, in order to accommodate our temporary low-carb eating plan, more sophisticated bits of equipment have become necessary:
Luckily, dark chocolate can still be accommodated on a low-carb diet, and as you can never be quite sure where you can buy your next pack of Whittaker's, when you find it, it's wise to buy in bulk:
So, there you are. How bad can life be when there are kittens and chocolate?