So... We're back. All that's left of the holiday is a fridge magnet:
And lots of good memories, of course...
But we've been too busy this week to have any time for regrets.
Indah now have a lovely new extra space at Think & Tink, where there's also a gallery and a bookshop. (They still have their nice little cafe on Upper China Street, though, and the mango lassi is as good as ever. We needed to check, after three weeks' absence.)
We went to yesterday's launch of the new cafe area, the new exhibition, and the new parking system:
Indah did the catering, needless to say. It was all good, but the stars in the firmament were the terong asam cake (terong asam cake!!), the little sponges with apam cheese topping, and the dip made from mango and sambal bunga kantan.
In other news:
The weather has been super-hot over the last week (both in Brunei and here in Kuching). Overwhelmingly hot. And the smoke pollution was starting to make its foul self visible, too. But then yesterday we had a torrential downpour. Knocked the temperatures back, cleared the air, cheered us all up. We're in that smokey season now, though. Fingers crossed...