
Finally, some better weather... So we were able to rack up about 63 km on our walks this week, as opposed to the miserable 46 km that was all we managed during last week's Deluge Days.

Aside from our What About Kuching and Darul Kurnia expeditions, we also took ourselves to a talk on migratory birds organized by the Malaysian Nature Society. After all, how could a tern NOT go to this:


Also on the natural history front, the story of the three-metre crocodile who'd got himself stuck in a playground drain on the far side of the river definitely caught everyone's attention this week... You have to salute our Sarawak fire brigade. They deal with fires, obviously, but also floods, crocs, pythons...

And -- our big event -- Nigel had another visit to the specialist for a post-op check-up. The nose has pretty much healed up, and the doctor is very happy with everything, but the need for a lot of caution has not gone away yet, as the head space behind the nose still needs time to really firm up. So, the message continues to be no lifting and no straining. (And no swimming either, for another month -- hence no boating really either, as boating has the potential to end up as swimming.)

And finally, the rest of the gallery for the week:



On the recommendation of a respected foody friend, we checked out Alfred Laksa at Sung Heng Cafe. Big tick (see the picture at the top). Also on the subject of this iconic Sarawakian staple, we sampled the awesome "laksa pie" made by the ever-innovative Indah. Authentic laksa components and flavour, but in a pie... What's not to like?

Name that tune... Six pink-necked green pigeons make music for the declining moon. For a close-up of this colourful pigeon, see here

Trying out our new sunnies

Saturday evening food from The Reef: Excellent squid, vegetables, and tofu