You remember the chase music from the old Tom & Jerry cartoons? (If you've forgotten, you can refresh your memory here.)
OK, now you need to have that soundtrack playing in your mind as you read this post, because it has been the most monumentally exhausting, chase-round, do-this-do-that, run-run-run-run kind of week...
Inter alia, we have collected our Post Office box key (finally), arranged various appointments, booked a hotel in Kuching for our last few days here, acquired a long list of items needed for going away and/or for leaving in the flat (all requiring trips to different places, of course), organized some stuff for our first week in England, changed our Brunei money, updated a driving license (Nigel), and survived another hospital appointment, had a raincoat fixed, and migrated from Evernote to OneNote (me).
There have been compensations, of course. An evening of Chinese Opera for one.
Or a rainy evening's walk:
Or a quick trip to Sushi Zanmai to break up an afternoon's mall tasks:
And the unexpected sight of a Greater Banded Bathing Duck can't fail to cheer...
But it has been a tad too busy. And there's no end in sight.
In other news:
We kick off next week with dental appointments. What could be finer?